Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Burwash Landing to Tok.
We left Whitehorse heading to Burwash Landing for one night and the on to Tok for one night. Tok was the the first town we came to Alaska. We did a necessary washing of the truck and trailer and got the oil and filter changed. We have now traveled almost 6000 mile since we left Delaware.

Road to Delta Junction, rest stop.
Our next stop.
Notice everything is clean.

Road to Tok.

View from campground

One Dirty Truck.

One dirty Trailer

We made it.

This picture was taken after 11:00 PM.

Burwash Landing Campground

Road To Burwash Landing

Road to Burwash Landing

Road to Burwash Landing

Road to Burwash Landing.
Lots of water along the way

One of Maggie's boat pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of marvelous scenery.

    Is that a picture of the camp ground or camp ground parking lot at Burwash Landing? Looks kinda cheek-to-jowl.
